English Language Resources


The EDSITEment website offers a huge range of resources for teachers who are looking for high-quality advanced level material in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies.

In the course of assessing the EDSITEment website we found ourselves sucked into the lesson plans section. There is so much inviting material sitting there that you just can't help but open a few, just for a browse...

EDSITEment covers a wide range of humanities subjects, from American history to literature, world history and culture, language, art, and archaeology. Although having a wide reach, EDSITEment is not intended to represent a complete curriculum in the humanities, or prescribe a specific course of study.

EDSITEment was selected as one of the top 25 websites for 2010 by the America Association of School Librarians, and we think they probably know a lot about their stuff so we'd say it's well worth a visit!


Click here to visit Edsitement

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